Adelina Elizabeth Haden

Birth Date
On 1842 March 23 (Born)
Death Date
On 1908 March 25 (Died)

Was traveling with his mother, step-father and other siblings. Birth date confirmed by Utah Stake City Ward records at the time of a rebaptism on 5 June 1853. In some records her given name is listed as Ermina, in others it is Adeline or Adelina.

In some sources she is listed under the surname of his step-father (in the 1850, listed under "Purse"). In others, her biological surname has variant spellings (i.e. Hayden, Haden, Headen, etc.). Spelling used here is taken from her brother's headstone. 

Death date listed was found in a personal, online family history record (such as Family Tree, Ancestry, or My Heritage), without any accompanying documentation. Further research is needed to verify its accuracy.

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