Alma Eliza Cannon
Born in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1896 May 29
Emily Ada Croxall
William Tenney Cannon
Date Details
Occurred On 1896 May 29
Baptized by Wm Tenney Cannon
1904 May 29 (Age 8)
Married Edwin Kent Winder
1919 June 24 (Age 23)
Served in Hawaiian Mission
1919 July 1 – 1922 January 30 (Age 23) See Missionaries
Mission Type
Marital Status
Missionary Activity Notes
Arrived in Field/Release Date(s) per Hawaiian Mission Index, 1850-1930.
Residence When Called
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States
Set Apart By
Seymour B Young
Served With
Location Served
Date Details
Started On 1919 July 1
Set Apart
On 1919 July 2
Departed from Home
On 1919 July 23
Arrived in Field
Ended On 1922 January 30
Allma Cannon Winder and daughter Barbara with Hawaiian children
Fixing a flat tire in Hawaiian Mission
Edwin K & Alma Winder in Hawaii with other missionaries, 1920
Edwin and Alma Winder with baby daughter Barbara on their mission in Hawaii with some of the Saints
Elder and Sister Winder and missionaries touring volcanoes on Hawaii's big Island, 1920
1966 June 16 (Age 70)
Alma Eliza Cannon (1896 - 1966) Profile
Allma Cannon Winder and daughter Barbara with Hawaiian children
Fixing a flat tire in Hawaiian Mission
Edwin K & Alma Winder in Hawaii with other missionaries, 1920
Edwin and Alma Winder with baby daughter Barbara on their mission in Hawaii with some of the Saints
Elder and Sister Winder and missionaries touring volcanoes on Hawaii's big Island, 1920