undefined undefined Alma Theodore Dayton | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

Alma Theodore Dayton

Birth Date
On 1846 December 4 (Born)
Death Date
On 1933 February 4 (Died)

Son of Hirum and Sophia Lance Dayton.  At the time of the 1850 Iowa census (taken in September) the family was living in Pottawattamie County.  Alma is listed as Alma "Lance." The two versions of Alma's obituary incorrectly say the family immigrated in 1850 or 1852 but the father's name appears in the Salt Lake City Public Works record books on 2 January 1852, which was prior to that year's emigration season, so the family must have traveled to Utah in 1851.  Further research is needed to identify the company with which they traveled.

At the time of the 1856 Utah Territorial census the Dayton family was living in "St. One City," Utah. 

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1846 December 4

Date Details

Occurred On 1846 December 4


1933 February 4 (Age 86)
Alma Theodore Dayton (1846 - 1933) Profile
Alma Theodore Dayton (1846 - 1933) Profile

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