Almeda Wilson
Her name is listed as "Almeda Brown" on her death certificate and gravestone.
She likely arrived in Utah between 1851 and 1855. Her name does not appear on the 1850 Utah census, and the first documentation to place her in Utah is her marriage in Salt Lake City on 19 August 1855. Further research is needed to determine the year she arrived and the name of the pioneer company she traveled with.
1838 April 19
Date Details
Occurred On 1838 April 19
Traveled in Daniel A. Miller/John W. Cooley Company (1853)
1853 June 8 – September 9 (Age 15) Pioneers in Company
Traveling Group
Date Details
Started On 1853 June 8
Joined Company
Ended On 1853 September 9
Company Arrived
Married Alexander Henry Standley
1905 October 25 (Age 67)
1922 October 27 (Age 84)

Almeda Wilson (1838 - 1922) Profile