Alpheus Amuleck Harmon
Although information in "Pioneers and Prominent Men" is mistaken about the year of his travel, the information about the company leader (Andrus) is consistent with his future wife traveling in that company. Although he and his brother are not on the Andrus company roster, they may have worked as teamsters and thus been overlooked.
1839 April 14
Date Details
Occurred On 1839 April 14
Traveled in Milo Andrus Company (1855)
1855 August 4 – October 24 (Age 16) Pioneers in Company
Date Details
Started On 1855 August 4
Joined Company
Ended On 1855 October 24
Company Arrived
Married Eliza Bramwich
1860 February 1 (Age 20)
1916 May 30 (Age 77)

Alpheus Amuleck Harmon (1839 - 1916) Profile