undefined undefined Amanda Fitzallen Lyons | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

Amanda Fitzallen Lyons

Birth Date
On 1843 September 7 (Born)
Death Date
On 1884 September 12 (Died)

Oscar Lyon’s autobiographical sketch indicates that the Lyons family traveled to the Salt Lake Valley in the Edward Hunter Company in 1850.  The family consisted of their mother, Sarah Bigler, and her children Oscar Fitzallen, Amanda Fitzallen, Caleb Washington, Jr., and Sarah Bigler.  According to a biography written about Caleb Washington Sr., he was killed in the explosion of the “Edward Bates” steamship while on the Mississippi River, where he was working as a deck hand, on 12 August 1848.  He was one of about 40 people who died in the accident.  Without her husband, Sarah traveled with her four children across the plains to the Salt Lake Valley.

Amanda was rebaptized in Salt Lake City on 11 September 1852.

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1843 September 7

Date Details

Occurred On 1843 September 7

Traveled in Edward Hunter Company (1850)

1850 June 29 – October 13 (Age 6) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Started On 1850 June 29
Joined Company
Ended On 1850 October 13
Company Arrived


1884 September 12 (Age 41)
Amanda Fitzallen Lyons (1843 - 1884) Profile
Amanda Fitzallen Lyons (1843 - 1884) Profile


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