undefined undefined Amos Griswold Thornton | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

Amos Griswold Thornton

Birth Date
On 1832 December 30 (Born)
Death Date
On 1901 April 5 (Died)

Son of Oliver and Mary Thornton. According to census records, the Thornton family was living in Pottawattamie in 1850. Church ordinance records prove he was in Utah by May 1853.


1832 December 30

Date Details

Occurred On 1832 December 30

Served in Southern Utah Mission

1853 October 9 (Age 20) See Missionaries
Mission Type

Date Details

Started On 1853 October 9
On 1854 April 14
Departed from Home
End Date Not Found

Married Mary Whittaker

1856 December 18 (Age 23)

Married Charity Artemesia Butler

1862 October 18 (Age 29)


1901 April 5 (Age 68)
Amos Griswold Thornton (1832 - 1901) Profile
Amos Griswold Thornton (1832 - 1901) Profile


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