Andrea Catherine Johanne Anderson

Birth Date
On 1851 November 14 (Born)
Death Date
On 1903 July 7 (Died)

Andrea Catherine traveled with her father, mother, and siblings. In some sources her name is spelled "Katrine". According to Mormon migration records, the Anderson family traveled from Liverpool to Philadelphia by way of the ship Westmoreland. The family then continued their journey to Utah as part of the Christian Christiansen company. Denmark baptism records provide evidence for her date of birth.

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1851 November 14

Date Details

Occurred On 1851 November 14

Traveled in Christian Christiansen Company (1857)

1857 June 15 – September 13 (Age 5) Pioneers in Company

Married Jens Willard Mogensen

1868 August 8 (Age 16)


1903 July 7 (Age 51)
Andrea Catherine Johanne Anderson (1851 - 1903) Profile
Andrea Catherine Johanne Anderson (1851 - 1903) Profile
