Ann Browse
Henry and Ann sailed to America in 1852 on the ship Ellen Maria. The ship manifest shows her age as 38, which would make her birth date about 1814. FamilySearch shows her birth date about 1819, but there are no sources to confirm this date.
Henry and Ann were married in Saint Helier, Bailliage de Jersey on 24 July 1851 and divorced in Salt Lake City on 5 October 1852.
There is a discrepancy regarding her given name. FamilySearch and the ship manifest show her name as "Ann." The marriage record shows "Anne," and the divorce record shows her as "Anna Browse," which was her maiden name.
The Evans family is not listed on the company roster.
Date Details
Occurred Circa 1814
No dates given
Traveled in William Morgan Company (1852)
1852 June 22 – September 25 (Age 38) Pioneers in Company
Traveling Group
Date Details
Started On 1852 June 22
Joined Company
Ended On 1852 September 25
Company Arrived