Ann Eliza Logan
The Secrist family traveled to the Salt Lake Valley in the Edward Hunter/Jacob Foutz Company in 1847. The family consisted of Jacob Foutz Secrist and Anna Eliza Logan, and their daughter Louisa.
At the end of a mission to Germany, Jacob traveled to the Salt Lake Valley as Captain of the Jacob F. Secrist/Noah T. Guymon Company in 1855. He died of Cholera en route on 2 July, on Ketchum’s Creek, between Kearney and Leavenworth. A tin coffin was made with the intention of bringing his remains to the Valley. However, it was insufficient, and he was buried on 4 July.
1822 September 15
Date Details
Occurred On 1822 September 15
Married Jacob Foutz Secrist
1842 March 15 (Age 19)
Traveled in Edward Hunter/Jacob Foutz Company (1847)
1847 June 19 – October 1 (Age 24) Pioneers in Company
Date Details
Started On 1847 June 19
Joined Company
Ended On 1847 October 1
Company Arrived
1878 April 11 (Age 55)

Ann Eliza Logan (1822 - 1878) Profile