undefined undefined Annie Berrett | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

Annie Berrett

Alternate Names
Annie Bess (Married Name)
Birth Date
On 1835 May 27 (Born)
Death Date
On 1908 December 19 (Died)

Annie is the daughter of Robert Berrett and later married Oliver Cromwell Bess. Some Church records have her given name listed as "Emma." She sailed to America on the 1849 ship Ashland.


1835 May 27

Date Details

Occurred On 1835 May 27

Traveled in George A. Smith/Dan Jones Company (1849)

1849 July 14 – October 30 (Age 14) Pioneers in Company

Married Oliver Cromwell Bess

1854 March 28 (Age 18)


1908 December 19 (Age 73)
Annie Berrett (1835 - 1908) Profile
Annie Berrett (1835 - 1908) Profile

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