Ariel Smith Ballif

Birth Date
On 1901 December 9 (Born)
Death Date
On 1995 May 12 (Died)

Born in Logan, Cache, Utah, United States

1901 December 9
Emma Gurney Smith
John Lyman Ballif, Sr.

Date Details

Occurred On 1901 December 9

Baptized by John Lyman Ballif, Sr.

1910 April 30 (Age 8)

Married Artemesia Romney

1925 August 26 (Age 23)

Served in New Zealand Mission

1927 May 24 – 1930 (Age 25) See Missionaries
Mission Type
Marital Status
Priesthood Office
Residence When Called
Rexburg, Madison, Idaho, United States
Set Apart By
Melvin J Ballard
Location Served
New Zealand.  Ariel Smith Ballif, and his wife, Arta, were called to serve a mission in New Zealand where he served as principal of the LDS Church's Maori Agriculture College.

Date Details

Started On 1927 May 24
Set Apart
On 1927 May 27
Departed from Home
Ended On 1930
New Zealand Missionaries 1928-1929
Ariel S Ballif at his last hui tau
April 1929 Era article: Missionaries in New Zealand
Married missionary couples in the New Zealand Mission, 1930
Mission Conference held in Ngaruawahia, 7 April 1928
President Ariel Smith Ballif at the Maori Agricultural College with N.Z. Mission Staff 1929


1995 May 12 (Age 93)
Ariel Smith Ballif (1901 - 1995) Profile
Ariel Smith Ballif (1901 - 1995) Profile
Hui Tau (conference) NZ Mission Spring 1930.
Hui Tau (conference) NZ Mission Spring 1930.
New Zealand Missionaries 1928-1929
New Zealand Missionaries 1928-1929
Ariel S Ballif at his last hui tau
Ariel S Ballif at his last hui tau
April 1929 Era article: Missionaries in New Zealand
April 1929 Era article: Missionaries in New Zealand
Married missionary couples in the New Zealand Mission, 1930
Married missionary couples in the New Zealand Mission, 1930
Mission Conference held in Ngaruawahia, 7 April 1928
Mission Conference held in Ngaruawahia, 7 April 1928
President Ariel Smith Ballif at the Maori Agricultural College with N.Z. Mission Staff 1929
President Ariel Smith Ballif at the Maori Agricultural College with N.Z. Mission Staff 1929
