undefined undefined Belinda Railey | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

Belinda Railey

Alternate Names
Belinda Adams (Married Name)
Birth Date
On 1815 August 3 (Born)
Death Date
On 1882 October 13 (Died)

The spelling of her given name and her birth and death dates are confirmed by the inscription on her gravestone.Her travel to Utah is mentioned in her son's obituary.


1815 August 3

Date Details

Occurred On 1815 August 3

Married Elias Adams

1837 June 9 (Age 21)


1882 October 13 (Age 67)
Belinda Railey (1815 - 1882) Profile
Belinda Railey (1815 - 1882) Profile

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