Bernajah Burnett Smith

Birth Date
On 1820 January 12 (Born)
Death Date
On 1878 June 23 (Died)

Birth date confirmed by Logan Ward records, though other sources give the year of 1821. Given name is erroneously transcribed as "Benjamin" or "Bernidja" on census records. Family tradition states that Bernajah and his family traveled in the William B. Preston Company in 1863. As of yet, no documentation has been found to confirm that, however the 1870 census indicates that daughter, Emma, was born in New Jersey in early 1862, and Bernajah is documented in the Logan 1st ward on 19 December 1863 for a rebaptism, so it is certain that the family at least traveled in 1862 or 1863. Bernajah is listed as B. B. Smith in the Utah Burials database.

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1820 January 12

Date Details

Occurred On 1820 January 12


1878 June 23 (Age 58)
Bernajah Burnett Smith (1820 - 1878) Profile
Bernajah Burnett Smith (1820 - 1878) Profile
