Bridget Daley
The overland company roster, as well as the overseas emigration records shows her as Bridget Anson (Hanson). Shortly after arriving, she married Jacob Houtz.
Her obituary indicates that she was born in Ireland, but emigrated from England after living there for a time. It also states that she traveled with H. M. Dougall and his mother. As the Dougalls traveled with the Secrist/Guymon Company in 1855, this confirms her placement in the company.
1828 October 8
Date Details
Occurred On 1828 October 8
Married Jacob Houtz
1854 February 27 (Age 25)
Traveled in Jacob F. Secrist/Noah T. Guymon Company (1855)
1855 June 13 – September 7 (Age 26) Pioneers in Company
Date Details
Started On 1855 June 13
Joined Company
Ended On 1855 September 7
Company Arrived
1911 April 1 (Age 82)

Bridget Daley (1828 - 1911) Profile