Catherine Harrop
Catherine, her sisters Hannah and Mary Jane came from England in 1864 on the ship General Mcclellan.
She is listed on the Rawlins Company passenger list as traveling with 3 sisters. One of her sisters, Martha, traveled with her husband, James Young. This family is listed on the ship Monarch of the Sea and transferred to the General McClellan. Catherine's married surname, as recorded on her death certificate, was "Harston."
1837 August 28
Date Details
Occurred On 1837 August 28
Traveled in Joseph S. Rawlins Company (1864)
1864 July 15 – September 20 (Age 26) Pioneers in Company
Date Details
Started On 1864 July 15
Joined Company
Ended Between 1864 September 19 – 20
Company Arrived
1914 November 21 (Age 77)

Catherine Harrop (1837 - 1914) Profile