undefined undefined Catherine McGregor McNair | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

Catherine McGregor McNair

Alternate Names
Catherine McGregor McLean (Married Name)
Catherine McGregor Ellison (Married Name)
Catherine McGregor Sheen (Married Name)
Birth Date
On 1803 September 12 (Born)
Death Date
Circa 1877 April (Died)

Her surname was "Sheen" at the time of her death, and she died in Nevada, USA.


1803 September 12

Date Details

Occurred On 1803 September 12

Traveled in Milo Andrus Company (1855)

1855 August 4 – October 24 (Age 51) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Started On 1855 August 4
Joined Company
Ended On 1855 October 24
Company Arrived


1877 April (Age 73)
Catherine McGregor McNair (1803 - 1877) Profile
Catherine McGregor McNair (1803 - 1877) Profile


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