undefined undefined Catherine White Thomas | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

Catherine White Thomas

Alternate Names
Catherine White Nebeker (Married Name)
Catherine White Leishman (Married Name)
Birth Date
On 1834 May 17 (Born)
Death Date
On 1927 September 15 (Died)

She may be the Catherine Thomas who was re-baptized by S. Roundy in the Salt Lake Valley on 5 December 1847; but the baptism record includes no birth date or place.  Henry Thomas was also re-baptized on the same date by the same person.  Catherine's birth date is confirmed by her patriarchal blessing, the Utah State History Cemeteries Burials Database and her death certificate.


1834 May 17

Date Details

Occurred On 1834 May 17

Traveled in Edward Hunter/Jacob Foutz Company (1847)

1847 June 19 – October 1 (Age 13) Pioneers in Company
Traveling Group

Date Details

Started On 1847 June 19
Joined Company
Ended On 1847 October 1
Company Arrived

Married James Allan Leishman

1857 November 29 (Age 23)


1927 September 15 (Age 93)
Catherine White Thomas (1834 - 1927) Profile
Catherine White Thomas (1834 - 1927) Profile


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