Charlotte Rawlins
Born in Rutherford, North Carolina, United States
Date Details
Occurred On 1792 December 25
Traveled in Company Unknown (1847-1868)
Additional Information
Charlotte traveled to Utah in 1851 or 1852. She appears in the 1850 Iowa census, which was taken in November 1850. The first documentation to place her in Utah is a church ordinance performed 23 August 1852. She also appears in the 1852 Bishops' Reports in Salt Lake City. Further research is needed to determine the year she came to Utah and the name of the company she traveled with. Birth date is confirmed at the time of a rebaptism in the MIllcreek Ward on 15 October 1856. She later married John Glover Smith.
Her obituary, which shows her name as "Charlotte Down," states that at the time of her death, she was 71 years and 28 days old, which would make her birth date th date 26 December 1791. The inscription on her gravestone shows her birth date as 21 December 1792 and confirms her deaas 23 January 1863.