Christiana Margrete Larsen
The obituary of her father, John, describes the family's travel in the Hodgetts Company, including the birth and death of their son Joseph.
The family sailed to America in 1856 on the ship Thornton.
1851 August 17
Date Details
Occurred On 1851 August 17
Traveled in William B. Hodgetts Company (1856)
1856 July 30 – December 10 (Age 4) Pioneers in Company
Traveling Group
Date Details
Started On 1856 July 30
Joined Company
Ended On 1856 December 10
Company Arrived
Married Christian Clausen
1870 May 2 (Age 18)
1910 May 12 (Age 58)
Christiana Margrete Larsen (1851 - 1910) Profile