undefined undefined Cyrus Rawson | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

Cyrus Rawson

Birth Date
On 1846 June 14 (Born)
Death Date
On 1896 July 16 (Died)

Born in Mount. Pisgah, Union, Iowa Territory, United States

1846 June 14

Date Details

Occurred On 1846 June 14

Baptized by Russell Brown

1855 February 4 (Age 8)

Married Mary Lucy Dixon

1869 May 17 (Age 22)

Served in Southern States Mission

1882 September 5 – November 5 (Age 36) See Missionaries
Mission Type
Marital Status
Missionary Activity Notes

CR 1 168 - Cyrus Rawson accepted a mission call to the Southern States but his wife died and he was released. It appears that he may not have served, or else came home after a short time of service. A short time later he obtained a second and a third marriage in 1883.

Location Served
Southern States

Date Details

Started On 1882 September 5
Ended On 1882 November 5

Died in Kanesville, Weber, Utah, United States

1896 July 16 (Age 50)
Cyrus Rawson (1846 - 1896) Profile
Cyrus Rawson (1846 - 1896) Profile


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