David Cook
The Cook family sailed to America in 1850 on the ship Josiah Bradley. His wife, Elizabeth, died in St. Louis, Missouri in August 1851. Church ordinance records prove that David was in Utah by April 1853, but we cannot say for certain when or with whom he crossed the plains. According to the obituary of his daughter, Agnes, she crossed the plains in 1850. His son David Patterson Cook made the trek in 1852. David may have traveled to Utah with one of them.
The Tenth Ward record of members gives his birthdate as 7 November 1804. He was christened christened in Scotland on 7 November 1805. Additional research is needed to determine the year of his arrival and the name of the pioneer company with which he traveled.
1804 November 7
Date Details
Occurred On 1804 November 7
Traveled in Company Unknown (1847-1868)
1847 – 1868 (Age 42) Pioneers in Company
Date Details
Started On 1847
Joined Company
Ended On 1868
Company Arrived
Married Alvina Mackley
1853 November 6 (Age 48)
1875 October 28 (Age 70)