David Eccles
Birth Date
On 1849 May 12 (Born)
Death Date
On 1912 December 5 (Died)
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1849 May 12
Date Details
Occurred On 1849 May 12
Traveled in
Horton D. Haight Company (1863)
1863 August 8 – October 4 (Age 14)
Pioneers in Company
Traveling Group
Sarah Hutchinson Eccles (Age 9)
Margaret Hutchinson Eccles (Age 8)
Sarah Hutchinson (Age 43)
William Eccles (Age 38)
William Hutchinson Eccles (Age 3)
John Hutchinson Eccles (Age 17)
Stewart Eccles (Age 11)
Samuel Hutchinson Eccles (Age 1)
Date Details
Started On 1863 August 8
Joined Company
Ended On 1863 October 4
Company Arrived
1912 December 5 (Age 63)
David Eccles (1849 - 1912) Profile
Ogden Evening Standard
"Funeral Will be Held on Tuesday", Ogden Evening Standard, (7 December 1912), Page 6.
"David Eccles Drops Dead in Salt Lake City", Ogden Evening Standard, (6 December 1912), Page 1.
Saints By Sea
"David Eccles. ID: 17032", Saints By Sea.
Deseret Evening News
"David Eccles Stricken With Heart Failure", Deseret Evening News, (6 December 1912), Page 1-2.
Edward W. Tullidge, Tullidge's Histories of Utah, Vol. II, Containing the History of all the Northern, Eastern and Western counties of Utah; also the counties of Southern Idaho. Juvenile Instructor, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1889
Edward W. Tullidge, Tullidge's Histories of Utah, Vol. II, Containing the History of all the Northern, Eastern and Western counties of Utah; also the counties of Southern Idaho. Juvenile Instructor, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1889, Vol. 2.