Delos Melvin Gibson

Birth Date
On 1836 April 10 (Born)
Death Date
Unknown (Died)

Some documents give his middle name as "Melville."  He was a brother of Henry Elliot Gibson and appears in Henry's household as a fourteen year old in the 1850 Utah census.  Thus he probably crossed the plains with Henry in the Heber C. Kimball Company of 1848 but this assumption lacks documentary proof.  Further research is needed.  Delos was re-baptized on 28 October 1850 (the same day that Eliza, Henry's wife, was re-baptized.)  On 1 June 1859 the Deseret News [Weekly] reported that Delos Gibson shot James Johnson (son of Luke Johnson), in front of the Empire House in Salt Lake City.  Later articles cover the progress of his trial.  In the 1860 Utah census Delos was in the Salt Lake county jail.

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