undefined undefined Dinah Martha Corbitt | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

Dinah Martha Corbitt

Birth Date
On 1856 December 20 (Born)
Death Date
On 1923 May 20 (Died)

Genealogical, church and newspaper records prove the Corbitt family traveled to Utah in 1860. The company roster states that Wiley Corbitt ("Wm Corbett,") traveled with his "Wife & 5 children." It is believed at this time that Dinah was one of the children indirectly listed on the roster.


1856 December 20

Date Details

Occurred On 1856 December 20

Traveled in Daniel Robison Company (1860)

1860 June 6 – August 27 (Age 3) Pioneers in Company


1923 May 20 (Age 66)




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