Druzilla McCrary
Though only her father, John McCrary, is listed on company records as head of household, there is a notation that the traveling group consisted of three males and five females. The family members listed as traveling with John were extrapolated from census and Church records both before and after 1852.
Birth year confirmed by Utah Stake City Ward records at the time of a rebaptism on 18 August 1855.
1843 November 14
Date Details
Occurred On 1843 November 14
Traveled in David Wood Company (1852)
1852 June 6 – October 1 (Age 8) Pioneers in Company
Traveling Group
Date Details
Started On 1852 June 6
Joined Company
Ended Between 1852 September 20 – October 1
Company Arrived
Married Milan Daniel Crandall
1867 (Age 23)
1936 November 1 (Age 92)

Druzilla McCrary (1843 - 1936) Profile