undefined undefined Edmund Weeks Davis | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

Edmund Weeks Davis

Birth Date
On 1823 December 12 (Born)
Death Date
On 1906 May 7 (Died)

His brother, Elias, traveled in the Hunt company. Both his brother and his brother's wife died en route.


1823 December 12

Date Details

Occurred On 1823 December 12

Traveled in Edward Martin Company (1856)

1856 July 28 – November 30 (Age 32) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Started On 1856 July 28
Joined Company
Ended On 1856 November 30
Company Arrived

Married Jeanne Antoinette Justet

1870 (Age 46)


1906 May 7 (Age 82)
Edmund Weeks Davis (1823 - 1906) Profile
Edmund Weeks Davis (1823 - 1906) Profile

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