Edward Henry Kelly

Birth Date
On 1866 October 4 (Born)
Death Date
On 1874 July 14 (Died)

The Kelly family arrived in New York on 24 July 1866 via the ship St. Mark. As head of household, only Charles' name is listed on the overland company roster. However, the record shows that he purchased four adult food rations for that portion of the journey, which indicates that the family members who were with him on the ship, continued with him across the plains in the Scott company.

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1866 October 4

Date Details

Occurred On 1866 October 4

Traveled in Andrew H. Scott Company (1866)

1866 October 4 – 8 (Age 0) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Started On 1866 October 4
Born en Route
Ended On 1866 October 8
Company Arrived


1874 July 14 (Age 7)

