Edward Morgan
The company record, as printed in the Deseret News indicates Edward Morgan was traveling with his wife and 5 children. Going back to the ship records, one can discover the names of his wife and children. The Evans family arrived in New York on 12 July 1868 via the ship Minnesota. The ship record also indicates they were traveling with another woman named Sarah Evans. Their relationship with her is uncertain. She may have been Edward's mother-in-law.
Death was sometime between the 1870 and 1880 census.
Date Details
Occurred Circa 1821
Married Sarah Owens
1845 July 14 (Age 24)
Traveled in Chester Loveland Company (1868)
1868 July 25 – August 20 (Age 47) Pioneers in Company
Traveling Group
Date Details
Started On 1868 July 25
Joined Company
Ended On 1868 August 20
Company Arrived
1875 (Age 54)