Edward Moroni Thurman

Alternate Names
Edward Moroni Perkes (Alternate Name)
Birth Date
On 1848 December 15 (Born)
Death Date
On 1931 December 30 (Died)

His birth and death dates are confirmed by the inscription on his gravestone in Wyoming.

When he emigrated to the United States, he traveled under his mother's maiden name, "Gibson."

The Perpetual Emigrating Fund Ledger has him listed as "Edw'd Perkes."

In describing his pioneer experience, Edward explained, “Before the wagons started out each morning, the young people would all gather and sing Come Come Ye Saints, then ate solaretic bread and bacon, then lay down on our stomachs, and drank out of a clear stream. Then we would roll up our pants and wade. Then we would walk all day until we were all in.” (see: O. D. Perkes, For Heaven’s Sake: The James Perkes Family and Hyde Park Early Mormons)


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1848 December 15

Date Details

Occurred On 1848 December 15

Traveled in Henry W. Miller Company (1862)

1862 August 5 – October 18 (Age 13) Pioneers in Company


1931 December 30 (Age 83)
Edward Moroni Thurman (1848 - 1931) Profile
Edward Moroni Thurman (1848 - 1931) Profile
