Elizabeth Ann Anderson
PEF records indicate she was traveling with her mother. A biographical sketch of her mother, written by Elizabeth's brother, George Anderson, who was already living in the Valley at the time, indicates that his mother arrived on 15 September 1868. This was the day that the Gillespie Company pulled in to the Valley. Secondary accounts support Catharine and Elizabeth's placement in this company.
1851 January 7
Date Details
Occurred On 1851 January 7
Traveled in John Gillespie Company (1868)
1868 August 23 – September 15 (Age 17) Pioneers in Company
Traveling Group
Date Details
Started On 1868 August 23
Joined Company
Ended On 1868 September 15
Company Arrived
1892 February 29 (Age 41)

Elizabeth Ann Anderson (1851 - 1892) Profile