undefined undefined Elizabeth Ann Skinner | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

Elizabeth Ann Skinner

Birth Date
On 1863 August 2 (Born)
Death Date
On 1944 December 22 (Died)

Daughter of John and Jane Smith Skinner.  Elizabeth married John Sorensen.

John Skinner, his wife, and three oldest sons emigrated from England in 1856 by way of the ship Columbia. They remained in New York until 1868 when they joined the William S. Seeley Company. The Skinner family was recorded as living together in a household in Utah in 1870.


1863 August 2

Date Details

Occurred On 1863 August 2


1944 December 22 (Age 81)
Elizabeth Ann Skinner (1863 - 1944) Profile
Elizabeth Ann Skinner (1863 - 1944) Profile


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