Elizabeth Clarkson

Birth Date
On 1836 April 26 (Born)
Death Date
On 1902 July 18 (Died)

The Clarkson family began their journey with the 1852 Outhouse Company. Those records indicate Elizabeth's father, Thomas, was traveling with three other individuals. The Outhouse Company experienced divisiveness and for much of the way, each ten in the company traveled independently. Lang captained one of those tens and the Clarksons traveled with him. Records for the Lang company list the three other people traveling with him as his wife, daughter, and the "Widdow Garlick.

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1836 April 26

Date Details

Occurred On 1836 April 26

Traveled in Joseph Outhouse Company (1852)

1852 June 10 – September 6 (Age 16) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Started On 1852 June 10
Joined Company
Ended On 1852 September 6
Company Arrived

Traveled in William Lang Company (1852)

1852 June 10 – September 7 (Age 16) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Started On 1852 June 10
Joined Company
Ended Between 1852 September 6 – 7
Company Arrived

Married Leonard John Nuttall

1856 December 25 (Age 20)


1902 July 18 (Age 66)
Elizabeth Clarkson (1836 - 1902) Profile
Elizabeth Clarkson (1836 - 1902) Profile