Elizabeth Cooper
Elizabeth, with her husband Robert and daughter Charlotte, left Nauvoo in 1846 heeding the counsel to prepare to head for the west. They made it to Council Bluffs, Iowa, where her husband joined the Mormon Battalion. She stayed behind with her daughter in Council Bluffs until 1848. She traveled to the Salt Lake Valley in the Brigham Young Company in 1848, where they were reunited with her husband.
Her birth and death dates are confirmed by her death certificate.
1819 February 8
Date Details
Occurred On 1819 February 8
Married Robert Pixton
1839 May 5 (Age 20)
Traveled in Brigham Young Company (1848)
1848 June 5 – September 24 (Age 29) Pioneers in Company
Date Details
Started On 1848 June 5
Joined Company
Ended Between 1848 September 20 – 24
Company Arrived
1904 March 20 (Age 85)

Elizabeth Cooper (1819 - 1904) Profile