Elizabeth Dorothy Burrows
Wife of Henry Willard Whipple. She traveled with her husband and their children. Her given name is listed as "Betsy" in the 1850 Pennsylvania Census. Elizabeth was located in a household with Alvina and Rosetta in Utah in 1860. According to census records, Elizabeth Whipple and her children were living in California by 1870. Her birth date and death date come from a personal online family history source (ie. FamilyTree, Ancestry etc.). Further evidence is needed to confirm their accuracy.
1814 February 27
Date Details
Occurred On 1814 February 27
Traveled in William McBride Company (1855)
1855 April 23 – July 21 (Age 41) Pioneers in Company
Traveling Group
Date Details
Started On 1855 April 23
Joined Company
Ended On 1855 July 21
Company Arrived
1871 November 18 (Age 57)