undefined undefined Elizabeth Ellen Hickman | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

Elizabeth Ellen Hickman

Alternate Names
Elizabeth Ellen Meacham (Married Name)
Birth Date
On 1833 April 13 (Born)
Death Date
Circa 1914 (Died)

Traveled with her father, William Adams Hickman. She died with the married name of Meacham. See is documented in West Jordan under her married name of Meacham at the time of a rebaptism on 14 September 1852. This record indicates her birth year was 1832.


1833 April 13

Date Details

Occurred On 1833 April 13

Traveled in Cornwall Company (1849)

1849 April – August 14 (Age 15) Pioneers in Company

Married Jeremiah Emery Meacham

1854 April 1 (Age 20)


1914 (Age 81)
Elizabeth Ellen Hickman (1833 - 1914) Profile
Elizabeth Ellen Hickman (1833 - 1914) Profile


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