Elizabeth Hannah Parkes
She was listed on the ship manifest prepared by the Liverpool office of the British Mission as scheduled to sail on the ship Juventa in 1855. Listed with her were her mother, father, and her sister, Ann. Her mother died prior to the voyage so Elizabeth stayed in England for another year to settle her mother's estate. Her father and sister came ahead in 1855 as far as Mormon Grove where her father died. In 1856, Elizabeth sailed to America in 1856 on the ship Horizon and became a member of the Martin company.
1827 May 2
Date Details
Occurred On 1827 May 2
Traveled in Edward Martin Company (1856)
1856 July 28 – November 30 (Age 29) Pioneers in Company
Date Details
Started On 1856 July 28
Joined Company
Ended On 1856 November 30
Company Arrived
Married Thomas Higgs
1862 August 30 (Age 35)
1908 September 10 (Age 81)

Elizabeth Hannah Parkes (1827 - 1908) Profile