Elizabeth Hardin Easterday
Daughter of Francis and Sarah Easterday. The Easterday family traveled with the Pritchett company until Salt Lake City, Utah. They then continued on to Oregon and California.
Elizabeth married Lewis Spitzer and is listed as part of his household on the 1900 California census. Her birth date and death date come from a personal, online family history source without documentation. Further evidence is needed to confirm their accuracy.
1848 August 5
Date Details
Occurred On 1848 August 5
Traveled in William D. Pritchett Company (1864)
1864 June 4 – September 1 (Age 15) Pioneers in Company
Traveling Group
Date Details
Started On 1864 June 4
Joined Company
Ended Between 1864 August 31 – September 1
Company Arrived
1922 April 27 (Age 73)