undefined undefined Elizabeth Jane Crisman | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

Elizabeth Jane Crisman

Birth Date
On 1833 February 11 (Born)
Death Date
On 1920 March 7 (Died)

Daughter of Mary Williams Elmer and her first husband, Peter Crisman. Listed as "Elizabeth Christman" on roster in P.O. Hansen diary. In the 1850 Utah census she appears in both Iron County and Great Salt Lake County.


1833 February 11

Date Details

Occurred On 1833 February 11

Traveled in Howard Egan Company (1849)

1849 April 18 – August 7 (Age 16) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Started On 1849 April 18
Joined Company
Ended On 1849 August 7
Company Arrived

Married James Case Winchester

1852 May 30 (Age 19)


1920 March 7 (Age 87)
Elizabeth Jane Crisman (1833 - 1920) Profile
Elizabeth Jane Crisman (1833 - 1920) Profile

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