Elizabeth Keig
Born in Rushen, Isle of Man
Date Details
Occurred On 1805 December 22
Married William Comish
Traveled in John Hindley Company (1855)
Traveling Group
Additional Information
Elizabeth crossed the Atlantic on the ship Kennebec in 1852 with eight children; she and her family do not appear on the Kennebec passenger list as published on the Mormon Migration website but they are on the original ship manifest. (Her husband (William) and a daughter (Hannah) had emigrated in 1850.) The Comish family evidently began traveling across the plains in the Hindley company, but according to a "Deseret News" article (22 Aug. 1855, 189) they arrived in Salt Lake City with the Livingston and Kinkead freight train. Evidence that they came in 1855 is confirmed in information found in Church financial records. Their surname is spelled "Coomish" on the handwritten and printed Hindley roster.The family's travel is mentioned in her son's obituary.
Date Details
Started On 1855 June 7
Ended On 1855 September 3
Died in Franklin, Franklin, Idaho, United States