Elizabeth Pummell

Alternate Names
Elizabeth Taylor (Married Name)
Birth Date
On 1814 June 27 (Born)
Death Date
On 1886 March 8 (Died)

Elizabeth and her daughter, Rachel, arrived in New York on 5 July 1866 via the ship American Congress. Overland records list only "E. Taylor" as head of household, with a notation that she purchased three adult food rations. PEF records indicate that a John Taylor paid for Elizabeth and Rachel's passage. It is uncertain who the third food ration was for.

Birth and death dates listed were found in a personal, online family history record (such as Family Tree, Ancestry, or My Heritage), without any accompanying documentation. Further research is needed to verify its accuracy.

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1814 June 27

Date Details

Occurred On 1814 June 27

Traveled in Daniel Thompson Company (1866)

1866 July 24 – September 28 (Age 52) Pioneers in Company
Traveling Group

Date Details

Started On 1866 July 24
Joined Company
Ended On 1866 September 28
Company Arrived


1886 March 8 (Age 71)
Elizabeth Pummell Taylor (1814 - 1886) Profile
Elizabeth Pummell Taylor (1814 - 1886) Profile
