Elizabeth Stock
The Stock family traveled to the Salt Lake Valley with the William Budge Company in 1860. The family consisted of John and Jane Adams, and their children John William Edwin, Jane Susannah, Elizabeth, Richard Poyntz, Robert Wallace, Sarah Wilkinson, Jessie Esther, and Maria Josephine. The Stock family traveled from South Africa.
Elizabeth's name is listed as "Elizabeth Stock Rich" on her death certificate.
Their daughter Mary Ann and her husband William Stokes, were also in the company. Their first child Mary Jane was born en route.
1848 September 21
Date Details
Occurred On 1848 September 21
Traveled in William Budge Company (1860)
1860 July 20 – October 5 (Age 11) Pioneers in Company
Traveling Group
Date Details
Started On 1860 July 20
Joined Company
Ended On 1860 October 5
Company Arrived
Married Hyrum Smith Rich
1867 June 29 (Age 18)
1930 April 18 (Age 81)

Elizabeth Stock (1848 - 1930) Profile