undefined undefined Elizabeth Strong | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

Elizabeth Strong

Alternate Names
Elizabeth Lee (Married Name)
Betsey Strong (Alternate Name)
Birth Date
On 1795 November 17 (Born)
Death Date
On 1879 August 22 (Died)

Born in Rome, Oneida, New York, United States

1795 November 17
Elizabeth Ferrand
Reuben Strong

Date Details

Occurred On 1795 November 17

Married Ezekiel Lee

1822 January 31 (Age 26)

Baptized by Edward Milo Webb

1842 February 2 (Age 46)

Traveled in Company Unknown (1850)

1850 (Age 54) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Occurred Circa 1850
Joined Company
Circa 1850
Company Arrived

Died in Peoa, Summit, Utah Territory, United States

1879 August 22 (Age 83)
Elizabeth Strong (1795 - 1879) Profile
Elizabeth Strong (1795 - 1879) Profile


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