Ellen Bennington
Company records indicate her husband, Henry, was traveling with his wife and child. It is uncertain who that child was. Their first documented child was George Edward. Most records indicate he was born in Utah in early 1869, which would have been after his parents arrived in the Valley. Either George Edward's birth place and date have been recorded inaccurately, or there is another child that has not been accounted for.
1835 January 12
Date Details
Occurred On 1835 January 12
Married Henry Liversidge
1868 February 3 (Age 33)
Traveled in Chester Loveland Company (1868)
1868 July 25 – August 20 (Age 33) Pioneers in Company
Traveling Group
Date Details
Started On 1868 July 25
Joined Company
Ended On 1868 August 20
Company Arrived
1872 January 6 (Age 36)