undefined undefined Elizabeth Emma Yates | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

Elizabeth Emma Yates

Alternate Names
Emily Elizabeth Yates (Alternate Name)
Elizabeth Emma Boyce (Married Name)
Elizabeth Emma Kay (Married Name)
Birth Date
On 1854 August 11 (Born)
Death Date
On 1926 August 5 (Died)

This Yates family arrived in New York on 19 July 1863 via the ship Cynosure. PEF records indicate that they arrived in the Valley the same year. Name listed in PEF records is "Emma"  and "Elizabeth" on the ship.

Birth date is confirmed by her death certificate and Find A Grave website.  Her name is "Emma Kay" on the 1870 Utah census and surname is "Boyce" on her death certificate and Find A Grave website.  She first married William Thomas Kay and in 1872 she married Peter Boyce.

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1854 August 11

Date Details

Occurred On 1854 August 11

Traveled in Company Unknown (1863)

1863 (Age 8) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Occurred Circa 1863
Joined Company
Circa 1863
Company Arrived

Married William Kay

1872 (Age 17)


1926 August 5 (Age 71)
Elizabeth Emma Yates (1855 - 1926) Profile
Elizabeth Emma Yates (1855 - 1926) Profile


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