undefined undefined Emily Ellen Swain | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

Emily Ellen Swain

Birth Date
On 1852 October 10 (Born)
Death Date
On 1934 October 12 (Died)

Traveled from England on the ship Antarctic in 1863 with the Kirby family. She was sent ahead of the family as she could travel half price at the age of ten. She had many difficult experiences. The Kirby's sort of abandoned her once they reached Omaha because her fare had only been paid that far but she was resourceful and reached Utah safely.


1852 October 10

Date Details

Occurred On 1852 October 10

Traveled in Horton D. Haight Company (1863)

1863 August 8 – October 4 (Age 10) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Started On 1863 August 8
Joined Company
Ended On 1863 October 4
Company Arrived

Married John Paternoster Squires

1868 March 21 (Age 15)


1934 October 12 (Age 82)
Emily Ellen Swain (1852 - 1934) Profile
Emily Ellen Swain (1852 - 1934) Profile


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