Emily Mitchell
The Mitchell family initially traveled to the Salt Lake Valley with the Heber C. Kimball Company in 1848. Benjamin Thomas was a Captain of Ten. The Mitchell family included Benjamin and his three wives Lovina Buckwalter, Lois Judd, and Caroline Conrad, and four children Benjamin Thomas, Sarah Jane, Emily, and Joseph Smith.
The inscription on her gravestone in Idaho shows her name as "Emley Savage."
1840 July 12
Date Details
Occurred On 1840 July 12
Traveled in Heber C. Kimball Company (1848)
1848 June 7 – September 24 (Age 7) Pioneers in Company
Traveling Group
Date Details
Started On 1848 June 7
Joined Company
Ended On 1848 September 24
Company Arrived
Married Matthew Daniel Savage
1856 August 10 (Age 16)
1892 November 20 (Age 52)

Emily Mitchell (1840 - 1892) Profile