undefined undefined Emma Hill | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

Emma Hill

Birth Date
On 1832 November 14 (Born)
Death Date
On 1903 February 13 (Died)

She was not married. Her daughter died en route.  On the death list of  the Ira Eldridge Emigrating Company Journal both she and her infant daughter are listed as "Emily," but in the P. E. F. records and on the 1861 passenger list of the ship Manchester, is listed as "Emma."  She married Henry William Chandler at Salt Lake City so in the 1900 Utah census she is "Emma Chandler."


1832 November 14

Date Details

Occurred On 1832 November 14

Traveled in Ira Eldredge Company (1861)

1861 July 1 – September 13 (Age 28) Pioneers in Company

Married Henry William Chandler

1862 July 24 (Age 29)


1903 February 13 (Age 70)




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