Emma Louisa Boyden
Mary Ann Boyden's obituaries indicate the family traveled in the 1860 James D. Ross handcart company. The 1860 Ross company was not a handcart company, nor did any handcarts accompany it. The only handcart company that year was the Daniel Robinson company. However, the both the Ross and Robinson companies have complete rosters and the Boyden family is not listed on either. Further research is needed to identify the company with which the family traveled.
Her surname is "Ostler" on the burial record and Find A Grave website. Some of the records has her given name as Emma and other records has her given name as Louisa.
1846 January 24
Date Details
Occurred On 1846 January 24
Traveled in Company Unknown (1860)
1860 (Age 13) Pioneers in Company
Traveling Group
Date Details
Occurred Circa 1860
Joined Company
Circa 1860
Company Arrived
1897 August 19 (Age 51)

Emma Louisa Boyden (1846 - 1897) Profile