Emma Maria Anderson
Born in Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska Territory, United States
1860 December 24
Date Details
Occurred On 1860 December 24
Died in Nebraska Territory, United States
1861 April 1 (Age 0)
Traveled in Samuel A. Woolley Company (1861)
1861 July 12 – April 1 Pioneers in Company
Traveling Group
Additional Information
FamilySearch suggests that she died on 2 April 1861 in Nebraska, which is before the company left for Utah. However, there is no supporting documentation to confirm her date of death. If such documentation is found, and if she did die prior to the company leaving for Utah, this profile should be deleted from the database.
Date Details
Ended On 1861 April 1
Died en Route
Started On 1861 July 12
Joined Company